
Buy Tea Online: The Chinese Tea

There are many tea vendors online that you would feel daunting when you want to buy Chinese tea, In order to help you with this doubt the following tips and tricks may be followed:

Source of Chinese tea
This is one of the most important things when oolong tea buy online. You must exactly know where it was sourced and to whom they sourced it. I could say that if you would go for a high quality loose leaf especially when you are looking for a Chinese tea, you would always want the tea merchant to inform you of this very important information. This is because you would always want to come up having a real Chinese loose leaf tea product.

Even though tea is originated in china still there are different teas grown in china. Let us take for example Puerh tea. This kind of tea is a variation of Chinese tea can only come from Yunnan. If this is not indicated in the label of puerh tea then don’t buy it. It is probably a fake one.

Another thing to take a look for when buying Chinese tea online is the picture of the tea merchant where tea farm is at his background. This is one way to know that he has been in that farm and he knows the tea. Upon looking it in his online store you can be sure that he is serious about the product because he took his way on the road just to meet its farmers, and you can assume that the farmers have told him many things about the tea.

What the tea merchant knows about Chinese tea
A lawyer wouldn’t be a lawyer if he didn’t finished the course in the law school and know the law very well, and a plumber cannot be a plumber if he didn’t know the difference between the sink and the tap. Why would you buy a Chinese tea from a vendor when he didn’t know the tea at all? Even a little knowledge about Chinese tea is not enough for a tea merchant if he is selling Chinese tea online. You will know a tea merchant if he is knowledgeable about Chinese tea if you can find tea information pages or personal blog about tea where he could told story of having been in the farm with the Chinese farmers. You must trust a tea vendor online if you discover that he has same passionate inclination to Chinese tea as you do.

Variety of Chinese tea
This is a tricky decision because why would you want a variety of Chinese tea when it is better on its natural state with its entire natural flavor? When you say variety, it means spice. Perhaps finding a variety is really only for those who have feasted enough to the original taste of the tea, and in order to find new to their tea they would like to have a new flavor or taste on it.  

Posted by zeizalibes at 12:51Comments(32)